8 months ago

Social media and online account hacking most prevalent cybercrime in Bangladesh: Study

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A recent study of the Cyber Crime Awareness Foundation (CCAF) has revealed that social media and online account hacking is the most prevalent type of cybercrime in Bangladesh, accounting for 21.65 per cent of reported crimes.

Among the victims, 78.78 per cent are aged between 18 and 30, while 75 per cent of those affected are women, according to the study.

Almost all victims suffered emotional distress, while 47.72 per cent and 40.15 per cent experienced social and financial losses, respectively. Only 12 per cent of the victims reported the incidents to law enforcement, the study said.

Obaidullah Al Marjuk, the head of the CCAF research team, unveiled the study findings at a seminar at Dhaka Reporters Unity on Saturday. 

The CCAF Cyber Crime Trends-2024 report showed that new types of cybercrime are emerging in the country.

In a span of one year, the rate has more than doubled to 11.85 per cent of total crimes. And, 11.35 per cent of victims were affected by crimes related to pornography.

Cybercrime can cause a range of harm, including personal and financial losses, and even lead people into temptation, the experts in the event opined.

To safeguard Bangladesh's cyber sovereignty, the experts stressed the need for developing domestic cyber security solutions through public-private partnerships, training and skill development initiatives.



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