2 years ago

WordPress 6.2 release: Bangladesh ranks 2nd in contribution

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Bangladesh stood second place among the top contributing countries for its contribution to developing WordPress 6.2 Dolphy version. Alongside Bangladesh, the top contributing countries were the United States, India, Germany, United Kingdom, France, Australia, Canada, etc. 

WordPress product company named WPDeveloper from Bangladesh took 2nd place as the world's top contributor company right after the world-famous WordPress company Automatic. 65 contributors from Bangladesh participated in this year's WordPress 6.2 Dolphy version release, of which 35 were from WPDeveloper.

Founder of WPDeveloper M Asif Rahman said, "We dreamed of something big, which seemed rather impossible, never been done before, not even close. In WordPress 6.2 release, we not only had 65 core contributors from Bangladesh, but we also ranked Country No. 2 in terms of the highest number of core contributors in this version, surpassing India for the first time ever." 

He also said, "And to reach this point, from WPDeveloper alone, we had 35 core contributors, which also ranked us No. 2! I am so proud of my team members who took this vision seriously, worked beyond hours, encouraged, and helped a ton more people to become involved in WordPress!" 

This 6.2 Dolphy version includes over 900 changes and bug fixes, including changes to the visuals and editors of several blocks, image blocks, cover blocks, list blocks, column blocks, and more. 

On March 29th, WordPress, the popular content management system, launched its version 6.2 named Dolphy.

[email protected] 

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