10 months ago

Tanzim Sakib sorry for his misogynistic facebook posts: BCB

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The Bangladesh Cricket Board (BCB) warned pace bowler Tanzim Hasan Sakib for his misogynistic Facebook posts that went viral a day after he made a dream debut in International Cricket.

Sakib on his debut ODI handed Rohit Sharma a duck and ended with 2-32 to help Bangladesh beat India by 6 runs in the last match of the Asia Cup Super Four.

"We discussed with him elaborately on his Facebook posts that created controversy. He said he didn't post it to hurt anyone else, rather he posted for his own self and if it hurt someone, he is sorry for that," BCB Cricket Operations Chairman Jalal Younus told the reporters in Dhaka today (Sept 19).

"As he felt sorry for his posts, we have warned him. He said he won't put up such posts in the future and will remain away from making such issues."

Tanzim Sakib, who was a member of Bangladesh Under-19 World Cup winning squad, played 12 first class matches in his short career. He also shone brightly in domestic circuit to make his way to the national team but shortly after that he became the headline for all wrong reasons.

The posts that he posted a long time ago in his Facebook came into the light as those mostly targeted women, especially working women.

"If the wife works, the husband's rights are not ensured. If the wife works, the child's rights are not ensured. A woman's elegance is damaged if she works," Sakib posted on Facebook last year.

He also made a scathing post on a university girl: "A son would not get a modest mother if men get married to a woman who is used to free mixing with her male friends in university."

"He wrote something regarding the women and he said he is taking all the responsibility for it. But he insisted that he is not misogynistic. He said the public assumption that he hates women is totally false because his mother is also a woman and so how can he hate women," Younus said.

Younus informed that the pacer had already deleted all the posts from his Facebook and at the same time made it clear, that the BCB would monitor his behavior closely.

"We'll keep an eye on him and monitor him from now on. Because it is important to know what kind of mindset he is carrying. His family is very scared after he found him in such kind of situation. We have a World Cup coming up and he is a young boy. We have warned him, but in the future, if he does something like this, we will take action against him," Younus said.

The BCB is also ready to give psychological help to him if it is required, he added.

"He has given an apology. He has deleted all posts on his own. We'll further talk with him and if he does have any problems, we will come forward to help him. If he requires (psychological) help, we will provide him with that support as well," said Jalal.

Younus expected that they wouldn't face this kind of problem in the future as the players were made aware of the BCB code of conduct.

"All national team players have a code of conduct that they need to follow and we have informed him about all these things. Tanzim Sakib will be careful in this regard and he regretted his action."

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