2 years ago

Helal Ahmed re-elected independent director of Bank Asia

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The board of directors of Bank Asia Limited in its 500th board meeting held recently, re-elected Mr Helal Ahmed Chowdhury as an independent director for another term of three years which has also received the approval from regulators, said a statement.

Mr Chowdhury is a veteran banker with around four and a half decades of banking experience. He started his career at Pubali Bank in 1977 as a class-I of?cer through the Superior Service Examination and was promoted in course to MD & CEO (2006-2014) of the same bank which is a rare event and a record.

Under his leadership, Pubali Bank transformed into an institutional role model of government turned private commercial bank and won the prestigious award "Best Financial Institution" given by DHL and The Daily Star in 2009.

He is an M.A. and a Diplomaed Associate of IBB. He participated in different training, seminars, and short and long courses at home and abroad including Oxford and Cambridge Universities in the UK and UC Berkeley and Columbia University in the USA.

Mr Chowdhury is a former supernumerary professor at the Bangladesh Institute of Bank Management (BIBM), also a board member and vice chairman of the Association of Bankers, Bangladesh (ABB), and a board member of BIBM. He is a general body member of PKSF and a member of the ICC Bangladesh Banking Commission.

He is engaged with a number of social organisations and trade bodies in different capacities and works as a resource person in different training/seminars both at home and abroad and contributes articles in different newspapers.


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