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Bangladesh is still among a few countries in the world, which has the highest migration cost, according to preliminary findings of a recent study of the International Organisation for Migration.
These costs for male migrants can potentially shoot up to Tk 700,000 and for female migrants to Tk 95,000 each.
In contrast, monthly salary expectations of Bangladeshi migrant workers range from Tk 25,000 to Tk 100,000, they eventually end up earning somewhere between Tk 15,000 to Tk 30,000.
The findings were presented at a workshop on Tuesday in the city, according to a statement.
The findings came out from a recent study on the recruitment practices in Bangladesh conducted by the UN Migration Agency, IOM.
The study has been carried out under the scope of the project 'Prottasha- Bangladesh Sustainable Reintegration and Improved Migration Governance' funded by the European Union.
It highlighted that potential migrants depend more on middlemen than directly contacting the recruiting agencies, despite these agents not being licenced or having legal entities within the system.
These middlemen are linked with the recruiting agencies and since many of them are returned migrants, they are well acquainted with the system, according to the study.
The lack of appropriate knowledge, influence of middlemen coupled with inability to pursue skilled jobs in countries of destination are often forcing migrants to accept low wages and poor working environment.
"The enormous cost of migration only makes a migrant more vulnerable," said the Deputy Chief of IOM Bangladesh Sharon Dimanche.
She also noted that the International Recruitment Integrity System (IRIS), developed by IOM, is an effective tool to identify and support ethical labour recruiters and to bring transformative changes in the international recruitment industry.
"The government including key stakeholders should come together to assess what role middlemen would play before they are integrated within the system." said Ahmed Munirus Saleheen, additional secretary of the expatriates' welfare and overseas employment ministry.