a year ago

Belal Ahmed new chairman of Social Islami Bank Ltd

Belal Ahmed
Belal Ahmed

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Social Islami Bank Limited (SIBL) elected Belal Ahmed as the bank’s new chairman in its Board Meeting held on Tuesday, reads a press release.

Prior to being elected as chairman, Belal Ahmed discharged his responsibilities as vice chairman.

Born in Chattogram, Belal Ahmed started doing business in Bangladesh with renowned Unitex Group after completing his higher education at University of Toronto, Canada. He is currently the managing director of Unitex Spinning Limited, Unitex Composite Mills Limited, Unitex LP Gas Ltd., Unitex Petroleum Ltd., Unitex Cement Ltd., and Unitex Steel Mills Ltd.

Belal Ahmed was one of the directors of Chittagong Chamber of Commerce and Industries (CCCI) from 2013 to 2015. He also served as the vice chairman of Union Bank Ltd and Global Islami Bank Ltd.

As a visionary industrialist, he has been significantly contributing to the sector of textile, spinning, LP gas, jute and food items of the country.

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