a year ago

bKash receives ‘Fintech Pioneer Award’ from PM

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Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina handed over ‘Fintech Pioneer Award’ to bKash, the country’s largest mobile financial services (MFS) provider, at Bangladesh Startup Summit-2023 for playing pioneering role in Bangladesh’s fintech sector, according to a press release.

The Prime Minister handed over the award to Kamal Quadir, founder and CEO of bKash, at the inaugural ceremony of Bangladesh Startup Summit-2023. Zunaid Ahmed Palak, state minister for information and communication technology (ICT); Shamsul Arefin, secretary of ICT Division, and Sami Ahmed, managing director of Startup Bangladesh Limited, were present on the occasion.

Kamal Quadir, founder and CEO of bKash, said, “The award came as a recognition of bKash’s 12-year-long endeavours of making peoples’ daily transactions convenient and secure through financial inclusion. Receiving the Fintech Pioneer Award from the Prime Minister will greatly inspire us and further accelerate our journey.”


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