a year ago

BKMEA to list all workers on database

BKMEA vice presidents Mansur Ahmed and Fazlee Shamim Ehsan and CSL managing director Rafiqul Islam inked a deal at the trade body’s Dhaka office on Wednesday
BKMEA vice presidents Mansur Ahmed and Fazlee Shamim Ehsan and CSL managing director Rafiqul Islam inked a deal at the trade body’s Dhaka office on Wednesday

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Bangladesh Knitwear Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BKMEA) on Wednesday renewed its agreement with CSL Software Resource Ltd to bring workers of all its member factories under database system.

BKMEA vice presidents Mansur Ahmed and Fazlee Shamim Ehsan and CSL managing director Rafiqul Islam inked a deal in this regard from their respective sides for next five years at the trade body’s Dhaka office, according to a statement.

Workers’ database is legally mandatory for export-oriented garment factories and BKMEA has been working to enroll all workers employed at the trade body’s member units, added the statement.

BKMEA enrolled a total of 9,92,726 workers from 705 of its registered factories under biometric database system.

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