a year ago

BRAC Bank partners with BRAC to promote climate-smart agriculture

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BRAC Bank has joined hands with BRAC, the world's largest development organisation, to extend support to climate-vulnerable communities in Bangladesh’s southern region.

Through an innovative partnership promoting climate-smart agriculture, BRAC Bank's Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) fund will empower 2,500 farm households in Kalapara upazila of Patuakhali district, with adaptive measures and essential agricultural resources, says a press release.

The joint initiative, "Promoting Holistic Climate Smart Agricultural Services through Adaptation Clinic," will facilitate the provision of agricultural inputs, machinery, product processing, and capacity-building support from BRAC.

By fostering sustainable agricultural practices, the project aims to enhance agricultural production, strengthen farmers’ resilience against climate change impacts, and ensure regional food security.

BRAC Bank's CSR fund, dedicated to this special agriculture-focused initiative, will procure essential agro machinery, including irrigation, cultivation, and harvesting equipment.

Additionally, the fund will support the development of agro-processing industries and research work to promote agricultural sector growth and productivity.

This collaborative effort will prioritise empowering women beneficiaries, as they are often disproportionately affected by climate change.

The selection process will consider climate exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacities to identify the most deserving recipients.

Md. SabbirHossain, Deputy Managing Director and COO of BRAC Bank, and KAM Morshed, Senior Director of BRAC, signed the partnership agreement during a ceremony held at BRAC Centre on July 6, 2023.

Md. Liakat Ali, Director of Climate Change Programme, Tausif Ahmed Qurashi, Senior Programme Manager, Climate Change Programme, BRAC, EkramKabir, Head of Communications, BRAC Bank, and senior officials from both organizations attended the ceremony.

Implementing climate adaptation measures is expected to significantly reduce the gap in agricultural production caused by climate change in the Patuakhali district, known as one of the most vulnerable regions to the adverse effects of climate change.

As a values-based organisation, BRAC Bank remains steadfastly committed to making a meaningful contribution to the real economy, particularly within the agriculture sector.

By investing its CSR funds strategically, the bank ensures a lasting positive impact on the well-being of people and society, all while upholding sustainability principles.

With this joint initiative, BRAC Bank and BRAC strive to create a resilient and prosperous agricultural ecosystem that serves as a model for climate-smart practices and fosters inclusive growth in the region.

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