3 months ago

Branch Managers Conference of Union Bank held

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Branch Managers Conference was organized at Union Bank PLC Head Office, Dhaka on Sunday to review the achievements of Business Plan-2024 and provide guidelines for the preparation of Business Plan-2025.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of Union Bank PLC. Mr. Md. Fariduddin Ahmad was present as the chief guest, according to a press release.

Chairman of Risk Management Committee Mr. Md. Humayun Kabir, Chairman of the Audit Committee Mr. Sheikh Zahidul Islam, FCA, Independent Director Dr. Md. Shahidul Islam Zahid speech as special guests.

The Managing Director (C C) of the bank Mr. Shafiuddin Ahmed presided over the conference.

Deputy Managing Director Mr. Md. Jahangir Alam also speech at the conference.

The Chief Guest Chairman Mr. Md. Fariduddin Ahmad in his speech addressed to all the Branch Managers of Union Bank PLC said, "You have to be more customer friendly, Shariah compliant and collect deposits locally to eliminate liquidity crisis by gaining confidence of customers and continuous efforts to recover defaulted loans."

The conference also discussed in detail bank deposits, investment, foreign trade, expatriate income and various ongoing issues.


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