6 years ago

Database of 27,000 factories now complete

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The Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) has managed to prepare a database of some 27,000 industrial units across the country, officials said.

The database is part of the government's move to prepare a comprehensive database of factories and other establishments aimed at ensuring safer workplaces, they said.

"We've so far completed the database of 27,000 factories across the country," a DIFE official told the FE on Thursday.

But the Department could not finish gathering information of other establishments that included shops, restaurants, hotels and other ventures, the official added.

A factory is defined as a unit that is engaged in production activities and has at least five workers, he said adding they have collected the information through the field-level inspection.

The database contains basic information including the name and address of factory, its owner's name, the number of workers by gender, the description of products it produces, and the status registration and renewal, he added.

According to the DIFE, some 4,930 factories are located in Dhaka, followed by 2,800 in Gazipur, 2,635 in Narayanganj, 2,178 in Chattogram, 1,138 in Cumilla, 733 in Mymensingh, 715 in Khulna, 592 in Dinajpur, 584 in Tangail, 520 in Jessore and 479 in Noakhali.

The rest of the factories are located in other districts, the official said.

The majority of the garment factories are located in Dhaka, Gazipur, Narayanganj, Chattogram and Mymensingh.

Finance minister AHM Mustafa Kamal, in his budget speech made on June 13, said, "The government has given special emphasis on ensuring the appropriate workplace in mills and factories."

With this aim in view, a database containing useful information of 4,808 ready-made garment factories has been created, he said adding the preparation for a database of another 27,000 factories is underway.

A complete inspection checklist, based on labour law and labour rules in Bangladesh, has been formulated, which will enable inspectors to ensure compliance while auditing factories and establishments at the field-level.

The compliance of 8,261 factories and establishments was ensured between FY2015-16 and February 2019, the minister said.

Furthermore, with a view to improving health, safety and workplace environment for garment workers, a toll-free hotline has been introduced through which workers can make complaints about any issues, he said.

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