3 years ago

Eagle BD Police application got BASIS ICT National award

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Eagle BD Police application is currently running with Shahbagh and Ashulia police stations on a trial basis and is expected to be introduced in 50 other police stations under the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP).

State Minister for ICT Division Zunaid Ahmed Palak handed over the award to IT specialist Tanvir Hassan Zoha, Director of Communications System Limited (CSL), at a ceremony at a private TV station today (Sunday).

Commerce Minister Tipu Munshi was present as chief guest at the ceremony, organised by BASIS, says a press release.

This digital application service will provide security to women and children in the quickest possible time. A couple of taps on the app of one’s phone will be enough for the nearest police officer. Once a victim presses on the app, the officer will get an alert with her geolocation, photo and phone number and rush to her location.

IT firm CSL prepared this app under the guidance of Bangladesh Police Headquarters. After covering the DMP area, Eagle BD Police will be introduced at all the police stations across the country to ensuring the safety of women and children.

The Eagle app will function both online and offline, 24/7.

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