a year ago

€7.0m GIZ grant for social protection of workers

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The German development partner GIZ will provide 7.0-million euro as grant for social protection of the workers in the textile and leather industries in Bangladesh.

To this end, a grant deal between Economic Relations Division (ERD) and GIZ under the German development cooperation ministry was signed in Dhaka on Thursday.

ERD secretary Sharifa Khan and GIZ Bangladesh country director Dr Andreas Kuck signed the 'Social Protection for Workers in the Textile and Leather Sector (SoSi)' agreement on behalf of their respective organisations.

Under the deal, the 7.0 million euro will be used to establish a better working environment and protection of the workers.

The objective of the project is to improve the conditions for access to social protection for workers in the textile and leather sector, said ERD officials.

Bangladesh's textile and leather industry has created millions of jobs for the workers in different factories and mills.

However, many of the factories have poor working condition which fails to protect the workers' welfare.

Ministry of Labour and Employment (MoLE) is the partner ministry, Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE) and the Central Fund of MoLE is the executing agency of this project.

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