3 months ago

Hasan BASIS president, Sohel SVP

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M Rashidul Hasan has been nominated as the new president of the Bangladesh Association of Software and Information Services (BASIS) and Md Mostafizur Rahman Sohel as senior vice-president.

This changeover follows the resignation of former president Russell T Ahmed and vice-president (finance) Iqbal Ahmed Fakhrul Hasan, creating vacancies that needed immediate replacements.

During an emergency meeting on Wednesday, the BASIS executive committee for 2024-2026 unanimously made Hasan president, Sohel senior vice-president and M Asif Rahman vice-president (finance).

The committee resolved to operate without additional co-opted members, entrusting all responsibilities to the elected committee members.

On October 20, the BASIS held an automated vote to determine the next course of action regarding its governance.

In the ballot, 77.27 per cent of 594 members supported pursuing constitutional reforms and scheduling subsequent elections, while 22.72 per cent favoured the immediate resignation of the entire executive committee.

Following the feedback, the executive council has committed to transferring leadership through an election within the next six months, once necessary reforms and regular activities are done to safeguard member interests.

The roadmap includes amending the organisational constitution of the BASIS, conducting a membership audit and implementing essential reforms aimed at enhancing member protection.

The association aims to hold the election by April 2025 following either an annual general meeting or extraordinary general meeting in January 2025.

BASIS leaders have called on members and stakeholders to support these efforts, emphasising that these reforms are vital for sustainable growth in Bangladesh's software and IT service sector.

Reforms are also the key to the BASIS's national and international reputation, according to them.

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