9 months ago

ICSB offers training on statutory reporting and RJSC filing

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Institute of Chartered Secretaries of Bangladesh (ICSB) offered training on ‘Statutory Reporting and RJSC filing for Compliance to the Regulatory Requirements’ held on Saturday at ICSB premises in Dhaka.

Mr. Md Zakir Hossain, Secretary and CEO, welcomed the resource persons and participants and emphasized the importance of the RJSC filing system, according to a press release.

The training programme was inaugurated by ICSB President Mr. Mohammad Asad Ullah FCS.

Mr. M Nurul Alam FCS, Senior Vice President of ICSB and Coordinator of the training programme, introduced the panel of resource persons for the training and welcomed all participants.

The daylong training sessions were conducted by Mr. Ranajit Kumar Roy, Deputy Registrar, Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC); Mr. Md. Abul Kalam, Director (General) of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission (BSEC); Mr. Mohammed Mahadi Hasan CFA, Chief Regulatory Officer (CRO) of Chittagong Stock Exchange PLC; Mr. Md Rabiul Islam, Assistant General Manager & Head, Listing Affairs Department of Dhaka Stock Exchange PLC; Ms. Zikra Amin PAA, Programmer, Office of the Registrar of Joint Stock Companies and Firms (RJSC).

During the training, the resource persons discussed regarding the RJSC filing and relevant matters and, RJSC online return submission process by companies. They also discussed the process of listing by the companies on the stock exchange and post-listing rules and regulations by listed companies.

A good number of participants from various government organisations, and corporate houses attended the training programme. Finally, President of ICSB Mr. Mohammad Asad Ullah FCS and Senior Vice President of ICSB Mr. M Nurul Alam FCS handed over the certificates to the participants. 

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