a year ago

National Bank organises workshop on prevention of money laundering in Barishal

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National Bank Limited has recently organised a day-long training workshop on “Prevention of Money Laundering and Combating the Financing of Terrorism” in Barishal.

Managing Director and CEO of the bank Md. Mehmood Husain was present as chief guest at the workshop held on Saturday (August 19) at Shilpakala Academy Auditorium, says a press release.

Md. Sawkatul Alam, ED (in-charge) of Bangladesh Bank, Barishal was present as guest of honor while Sheikh Akhter Uddin Ahmed, SEVP and head of HRD, presided over the workshop.

Branch heads and personnel of National Bank Khulna and Shariatpur regions, including Md. Abdul Wahab, consultant (AML and CFT) of NBL and NBL Khulna regional head Md. Jalal Uddin Pramanik, participated in the workshop.

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