a year ago

NCC Bank launches Green PIN service for cardholders

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NCC Bank has launched the Green PIN service for its debit, credit, and pre-paid cardholders.

Through this unique service, NCC Bank’s debit, credit, and pre-paid card customers will get card activation and instant PIN generation facilities at free of cost, according to a press statement. 

Chairman of the bank Md Abul Bashar, Vice-Chairman Mrs Sohela Hossain, Past Chairman and Chairman of the Risk Management Committee Alhaj Md Nurun Newaz, Past Chairman and Chairman of the Executive Committee S M Abu Mohsin, Director and Past Vice-Chairman Khairul Alam Chaklader, Independent Director and Chairman of the Audit Committee Md Obayed Ullah Al Masud, Independent Director Meer Sajed-Ul-Basher FCA and Managing Director and CEO (C.C.) M Shamsul Arefin launched the Green PIN service recently.

Chairman of the Bank Md Abul Bashar mentioned that NCC Bank has accelerated sustainable and green banking facilities. In this regard, the Green PIN service has been launched for customers, which will take card information security one step ahead.

Managing Director and CEO (C.C.) of NCC Bank M Shamsul Arefin added that through this unique Green PIN service, cardholders shall enjoy more secure and convenient transactions, the statement says. 

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