4 years ago

Network problem among most serious issues reported at BTRC public hearing

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Mobile network problems, especially related to state-owned operator Teletalk, are among the most serious issues reported at a public hearing held by Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC).

Customers also complained about slow internet connections, broadband internet fees, extra call charges, dropped call, and troubles in Mobile Network Portability (MNP) services.

The issues raised on Sunday were almost the same as those BTRC heard at public hearings in 2016 and 2019, reports

Officials responded to the complaints, made virtually, with immediate resolutions and assurances. The participants registered online.

“We’re always working to develop the quality of services,” BTRC Chairman Shyam Sunder Sikder said after the nearly three hours of hearing from 2pm.

Niamul Islam from Chandpur alleged the residents do not get mobile phone services even within a kilometre of networking towers. He had complained about the issue to Teletalk, but it was not resolved.

BTRC officials said the operators are working on the expansion of networks and they have been given licences for new towers.

Customer Nazmul Islam said Teletalk network was available in urban areas, but not in villages. Mehedi Hasan Antar and Monirul Islam raised similar allegations about the operator’s network.

Sohag Kaiser said he had switched operator without changing his number, but it took some time for the services to activate, creating troubles.

Nasim Parvez, BTRC director general for systems and services, said the MNP services are activated after some day following the rules, but the regulator will check whether it is creating problems for the customers.

Shipu Saha alleged Grameenphone had charged him extra Tk 68, but did not repay after he had complained.

A BTRC official checked his number at once and said he was charged more because he used the country code, +88, to make calls.

Another customer, Pavel Ahmed, alleged the operators were charging extra VAT and surcharge, but Nasim said the companies cannot do this because the money is charged following rules set by the government.

Banglalink customer Abdul Kayum said the operator added him to a service without informing him, and charged fees. He did not get the money back after complaining to the carrier.

The BTRC said it would look into the issue.

Abdullah Mahmud asked if BTRC will take action against Grameenphone for “firing workers without prior notice”.

The BTRC chairman said they would discuss the issue, although it is an internal affair of the company.

Customer Malek, who gave a single name, said they cannot choose Internet Service Providers because some companies are using muscle power, forcing all into using their connections. The ISPs are also allegedly charging extra fees. 

BTRC’s Nasim said the ISPs cannot charge extra after the government fixed the monthly fees for broadband connections.

He said the ISPs will face action if they force the customers to use their connections.

BTRC Chairman Shyam Sunder said the number of unexpected dropped calls has been within the tolerable limit because the regulator monitors such issues.

Nasim detailed steps they had taken following the issues raised at the previous hearings.

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