3 years ago

SIBL opens four new sub-branches

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Social Islami Bank Limited inaugurated four new sub-branches at Baburhat in Chandpur, Trishal in Mymensingh, Moilaputa in Khulna, Horina People Baria Bazar in Sirajgonj recently through virtual platform.

Zafar Alam, Managing Director & CEO of the Bank, was the chief guest on the occasion.

Md. Tajul Islam and Abu Reza Md. Yeahia, Additional Managing Directors, Abu Naser Chowdhury, Md. Sirajul Hoque and Md. Shamsul Hoque, Deputy Managing Directors, Abdul Hannan Khan, Company Secretary, Md. Moniruzzaman, Head of Marketing & Brand Communication, Saif Al-Amin, Head of BC & GB were also present in the programme. Manager of Chandpur Branch, Mymensingh Branch, Khulna Branch, Sirajgonj Branch; senior officials, in-charge of the subbranches and other local dignitaries also attended.


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