a year ago

Social Islami Bank holds discussion on Cash Waqf

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Social Islami Bank arranged a discussion on Cash Waqf recently at the bank’s head office on the occasion of Holy Ramadan.

Zafar Alam, Managing Director and CEO, presided over the programme, according to a press statement.

Mawlana Obaid Ullah Hamzah, Chairman of Shariah Supervisory Committee of the bank, was present as the main discussant, while Dr Mohammad Monzur-E-Elahi, Member-Secretary of Shariah Supervisory Committee, was also present.

Mohammad Forkanullah, Deputy Managing Director, delivered a welcome speech on the occasion.

Abdul Hannan Khan and Mohammad Habibur Rahman, Deputy Managing Directors, along with Divisional Heads and senior executives of the head office attended the programme.

Zonal heads, branch managers, and sub-branch in-charges also joined the discussion virtually.

Zafar Alam, Managing Director and CEO, said that Social Islami Bank is the pioneer for introducing Cash Waqf account in the country.

The Cash Waqf fund is utilised for social welfare initiatives according to the wish of the contributors, he said, urging all concerned to popularise Social Islami Bank's Cash Waqf account at the mass level.

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