6 months ago

Standard Bank holds its 397thBoard Meeting

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The 397th board meeting of Shari`ah-based Standard Bank PLC was held at the head office, Dhaka, on Thursday.

Chairman of the Board of Directors Mr Mohammed Abdul Aziz presided over the meeting, says a press release.

It was attended by Vice Chairman Md ManjurAlam, Directors MessrsKaziAkram Uddin Ahmed, Kamal Mostafa Chowdhury, Ashok Kumar Saha, Ferozur Rahman, SAM Hossain, Al-haj Mohammed ShamsulAlam, Gulzar Ahmed, Md Zahedul Hoque, Ferdous Ali Khan, Kazi Khurram Ahmed, A K M Abdul Alim, Md Abul Hossain and Independent Directors Najmul Huq Chaudhury, Golam Hafiz Ahmed and A K M  Delwer Hussain FCMA.

Mohammad Mohon Miah, Managing Director & CEO (Acting); Md Siddiqur Rahman, Deputy Managing Director & COO and Md Ali Reza FCMA, CIPA, Company Secretary (acting) were also present in the meeting.

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