a year ago

State minister rules out possibility of sugar price hike

No possibility to increase sugar price: State Minister for Commerce

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State Minister for Commerce Ahasanul Islam Titu said on Thursday that there is no possibility of short supply of sugar or price hike in the market due to fire in S Alam’s sugar mill or any other reason.

“I tell the businessmen, they should not try to exploit the crisis,” he said.

His remark came during the opening ceremony of the second phase of a sales campaign by the Trading Corporation of Bangladesh (TCB) on Thursday (March 7). The programme was held at ward no 24 of Dhaka North City Corporation.

TCB is selling five products including dates at subsidised rate for 10 million family card holders across the country.

“I see in the news that there is an attempt to increase the price of sugar in one or two places. None of the traders should do this because the price of sugar will not increase even at the mill gates.”

The concerned sugar mill owners of the country have promised this to the Ministry of Commerce, he said.

He also pointed out that the government never wants to destroy the orderly environment of the supply chain and market with police and law enforcers.

“If the market has normal momentum, and it runs smoothly, I believe products will be available at a fair price. We are trying that. But if not, we will take all kinds of strict measures,” he warned.

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