a month ago

Supply chain of essentials getting normal in city markets

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The supply of essential commodities including rice, vegetables and spices was seen getting normal at different city markets in the last two days following the extension of curfew that was imposed on July 20 in view to bring widespread violence under control erupted from the student protests from July 16.

At the same time, the prices of most of the essentials have already declined significantly during this time but the traders however claim that it will take time to make the supply situation easier, reports BSS.

The supply of rice, vegetables and spices has increased significantly in the last two days as communications between the capital and other parts of the country have already been restored during this time.

“I have incurred a huge loss from trading vegetables as excess transport costs during the shutdown led the commodity price higher while surplus supply has eaten up my investment”, said Rahim, a vegetable retailer in the city’s Karwan Bazar area.

Before two days, the price per KG snake gourd was Tk 55-60, Okra at Tk 110 and arum lobe at Tk 400, per five KGs while it is now being sold at Tk 30, Tk 60 and Tk 200 respectively.

But the rice price was found to rising in the city markets as the traders blamed the crunch of supply during the last few days has making the rice price higher.

“Now a 50-KG sack of fine rice sold at Tk 3400, up from Tk 3300 last week”, said Mahfuz, a retailer of Fatema Rice Agency of city’s Karwan Bazar, saying that the supply now becomes a little bit normal, but it will take time to become the supply situation more flexible.

The price of onion, garlic and ginger has declined in the city market as now the supply of the spices has significantly improved in the last two days.

Now per five KGs onions sold at Tk 500, a decline from Tk 560 two days ago, said Rabin, a wholesaler of Shah Srimti Market of Mirpur section-1.

Earlier, the traders had to face difficulties during the transportation of potatoes and onions which ultimately came from Faridpur, Pabna, Munshiganj and Rajshahi.

Moreover, the traders also have faced severe difficulties in financial transactions for paying payment against their consignment for the last several days due to restrictions on internet connection.

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