2 years ago

Tata Steel team visits GPH Ispat plant

A delegation of Tata Steel Limited, India's leading steel manufacturing company, visited GPH Ispat Factory at Kumira, Sitakunda, on Tuesday
A delegation of Tata Steel Limited, India's leading steel manufacturing company, visited GPH Ispat Factory at Kumira, Sitakunda, on Tuesday

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A delegation of Tata Steel Limited, India's leading steel manufacturing company, visited GPH Ispat Factory at Kumira, Sitakunda, on Tuesday.

"Quantum Electric Arc Furnace technology-based steel manufacturing company, GPH Ispat, is a reference plant. We have come here to experience how they are making world-class steel products with the state-of-the-art technology," Tata Steel head of Engineering (steel making) Santosh Kumar Maurya said after visiting the GPH Ispat's plant.

The visit took place under the supervision of Primetals Technologies, world-class engineering and plant construction company.

Additional Managing Director of GPH Ispat Mohammad Almas Shimul said "GPH has been playing an exemplary role in the steel sector at home and abroad. We feel fortunate that the delegation of Tata Steel, which is famous in the world, visited our plant."

The Tata delegation was briefed on overall aspects of this integrated plant, including scrap procurement, oxygen plant and environment.

Tata Steel Limited Senior Manager (Mills) Engineer Shaimpu Kumar, Senior Manager (D&E) Structural Tridip Mandal, Senior Manager (SMLP) Krishna Murari Choubey, Primetals Technologies Austria Vice President (Global Business Unit) Josef Gahleitner, Vice President (Plant Solutions) Stefan Fellner, Primatals India Vice President (Projects) Bhartendu Sharma, Primetals USA (BID Project) Manager Pieter Keyzer, GPH Ispat Executive Director (Sales & Marketing) Shovhon Mahbub Shahabuddin, Executive Director (Plant) Madani M Imtiaz Hossain, Media Adviser Ovik Osman and Head of Plant Dr. SM Sumon were present during the visit.

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