4 years ago

Thrust on special reintegration loan of Probashi Kallyan Bank

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Speakers during a virtual dissemination workshop on Thursday highlighted the need for disbursing special reintegration loan of the Probashi Kallyan Bank (PKB) and market-oriented business models.

They demanded gender-friendly loan schemes and a close collaboration between the government and civil-society organisations.

Emphasis was also laid on same-day services for returnee migrants in terms of obtaining loans, proper dissemination of information and more migrant-friendly operational mechanism of the bank.

They made these observations during a webinar styled 'Reintegration of Returnee Migrants in the Context of Covid-19: Challenges of Disbursing Special Reintegration Loan of Probashi Kallyan Bank and Exploring Market-oriented Business Models'.

The Refugee and Migratory Movements Research Unit (RMMRU) hosted the event where the findings of two RMMRU action research studies, done jointly with the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) and the Practical Action (PAC) Bangladesh, were presented. Dr Khondaker Golam Moazzem and Dr Shah Md Ahsan Habib presented the highlights of the first study on behalf of the CPD.

The PKB has been doing a tremendous job but still there are few challenges in disbursing the allocated amount for the special reintegration loan, they noted.

They put stress on same-day service, agent banking, special loan packages exclusively designed for returnee women migrants and many more. PAC general manager Sonia Shahid presented the key findings of the second study on the market-oriented business models.

Expatriates' welfare and overseas employment secretary Dr Ahmed Munirus Saleheen was the chief guest while Gerry Fox, team leader, PROKAS, British Council, was the special guest during the programme. The session chairs of the programme included Bureau of Manpower, Employment and Training director general Mohammad Shahidul Alam and PKB managing director Md Zahidul Haque.

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