18 days ago

There are fairs galore---from Boi mela to Bou mela

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There are fairs galore in this land of diverse cultures and traditions. People in this capital city may not have any idea of several of the traditional, religious, cultural and agro-centric fairs arranged all across the country. But they are also introduced today to a number of fairs apart from the boi mela (book fair), banijya mela (export fair) and Baishakhi mela they have a chance to visit. The former two are held usually for long one month. Another such fair called brikkha mela (tree fair) held for a similar duration also has a growing appeal for plant or Nature lovers. Then the flower exhibition is essentially a fair but somehow it has not taken mela or fair to express the purpose. When flowers are put up for show only, it certainly does not qualify to be a fair but if flower plants are sold, it definitely becomes one.

If these fairs and shows have become popular rendezvous of sellers and buyers, there are also visitors who satisfy their appetite for diversity and aesthetics as well as for deriving pleasure in an ambience different from the mundane and monotonous life. Then there are some agro-centric annual fairs like the fal mela (fruit fair) and macch mela (fish fair) which are held under the auspices of the ministry of agriculture at Khamar Bari, Farm Gate. Fruit fairs are now held in divisional cities and district towns. But so far as fish fairs are concerned, there are some traditional ones held in different parts of the country. Many of these maintain a tradition of inviting sons-in-law of the locality where those are held throwing an unwritten challenge to them to purchase the largest of the fish available. In fact, these fairs celebrate fish which the Bangalees savour so much. The officially arranged fish fair has neither the fervour nor the extraordinary festivities surrounding such a fair.

Of late, the Dhakaites have become familiar with other kinds of fair like Abason mela (housing fair), furniture fair locally arranged fairs where an assortments of goodies are available. The housing fair is a purely commercial one that tries to attract potential buyers of plots and flats in this mega city and in locations surrounding it. A yearly arrangement by the Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB), this has become an annual event but then certain members of the association or even non-members also hold a fair to attract potential buyers. The furniture fair is not so regular nor a widely published affair. But there are yet another highly important fair called education fair which facilitate higher study abroad for students.

So much for the city-centric fairs. It is time to pay attention to fairs that have been held for hundreds of years and have their origin in this soil. They are known as Sankranti mela (mela held at the end of a month like Chaitra or Poush), Baishakhi mela (fair arranged to welcome the Bangla or other New Years), Barun or Baruni mela (on which occasions 'senan' or mass bath-taking is held like that of the famous Kumbha mela. The Hindu community has a long tradition of holding fairs on various religious, cultural and seasonal occasions. Fairs are arranged during the Durga Puja (worship of Goddess Durga), Shib puja, Kali puja, Ratha jatra (chariot pulling), Dol jatra (festivasl of colours), Janmashtami (the birth of Lord Krishna). Apart from this, their seasonal fairs are held on Chaitra Sankranti, Poush Sankranti, Maghotsob (the full moon of Magh).

The Muslims also have fairs like Moharram mela, Maizbhandari mela in Chattogram, Enayetpuri mela of Sirajganj, Sureswarer mela in Faridpur and a few others to observe the birth and death anniversaries of some great saints. The Cristian community has not many such occasions to hold fairs. Their only fair is held on the Christmas Day. One such fair is held annually at Kaliganj of Gazipur but the oldest of it is arranged at Kaligram under Muksudpur, Gopalganj. The Buddhists also do not have many such fairs. A three-day fair was arrange at Bijuri, a village in Chattogram on the occasion of Ashwini purnima (full moon of Ashwin) but whether it is continued till date is not known. Another such fair is held at Baraia in Cumilla but the largest fair of the Buddhist community is known as the fair of 'Mahamuni' which lasts for the entire month of Baishakh.

But the most colourful and diverse fairs go to the credit of the Adibasis (indigenous people). Fairs arranged on the occasion of the Biju as Chakmas and Tanchnangya call it, the Tripuri's Baisu or Baisub and Marma's Sangrai---all together are known as Baisabi ---add colour and diversity to the country's culture and heritage.

Last but not least, there is yet another fair that is called Bou mela also known as Milon mela in Dinajpur. Although there are several others under the same nomenclature held in different places, this one is unique because brides are actually available there to choose from. It is a fair of the indigenous people Santal. Here male and female marriageable young people assemble to select their partners. Once they choose each other, they go home and their guardians make arrangement for the marriage. In other bou melas, both shoppers and sellers are women, no male can enter the shopping zone.


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