8 years ago

Depression: A common phenomenon

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DEPRESSION is a mental illness and in existence since time immemorial. There are both internal and external reasons that lead to depression. Most depressed people do not want to talk about it openly as they think if they do so, they will be treated as patients and will have to run to doctors for treatment.   
Whereas chronic depression is a common illness in our society, especially in the urban areas, most people do not want to consider it a disease as a result of which depression becomes chronic. In modern days depression is an offshoot of fast and rigorous lifestyle. 
We at times fail to keep pace with life's speed and end up with frustration and despair and develop mental depression. Depression is indeed a psychological problem and should be treated by doctors like any other physical disease. But instead of consulting an expert we keep it within ourselves and thus aggravate the situation. Depression is the state of low morale and aversion to activities. When we are depressed, we see everything with a negative frame of mind. We become pessimists and lose faith in everything in life. People with depression feel helpless, worthless, guilty and shy and become introvert. A patient of depression suffers from sleep deprivation and long-term sleep deprivation can lead to further complications. Depressed people should be open to talk about their mental health issues as sharing depression with others can greatly help overcome the problem. We should not be overawed by events of frustration in life and accept them as part of life and keep faith in ourselves. In that case, it will be easier for us to win over frustration and avoid possibilities of depression gripping our life.
Mohammed Sohel Hara
Bonosree, Dhaka

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