6 days ago

Dimensions that have emerged from UN SG's Visit

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Several dimensions have surfaced from the UN Secretary-General António Guterres' visit which coincided with the 50th anniversary of Bangladesh's establishing relations with the United Nations.

This visit by this eminent personality addressed issues of magnitude pertaining to generosity, humanity and observance of human rights. In addition to references about assisting Bangladesh within the paradigm of internal governance, attention was also drawn to other dimensions related to the Rohingya population who have sought shelter as refugees in Bangladesh.

The latest effort by the Rohingyas was undertaken in 2017. However, this was not the first time that such an approach had been undertaken. It had also happened before in 1977 and later at different times. There was one common element - cruelty on these Muslim residents of Rakhine undertaken by the non-Muslims of Myanmar. This included destruction of their residences and harassment of their family members. Through such inhuman measures, Rohingyas were forced to leave their residences in the Rakhine State of Myanmar. The last time this happened was in 2017.

Bangladesh over the years since their latest entry in the bordering areas with Myanmar, have tried its best to arrange for their safe repatriation to Myanmar through the United Nations and the Organisation of the Islamic Conference (OIC). Despite our own financial difficulties, the Bangladesh government along with some external sources, have shown humanitarian responses to meet all their increasing needs-- in terms of food, education facility for their children, healthcare and security. However, the net result till now, in arranging the repatriation of these refugees with dignity to Myanmar, who now exceed more than one million, has been less than satisfactory.  

The UN SG in his statement underlined that he was visiting Bangladesh on "a mission of solidarity". It was also reiterated that the more than 1 million Rohingya refugees need the world's support. It was also observed by him that after decades of discrimination and persecution, "we had a massive outflow eight years ago, following the massacres that took place in Rakhine state.  Many others arrived more recently, escaping brutal violations of human rights, triggered generalized on anti-Muslim hate. The UN SG also underlined that "my message to all parties in Myanmar is clear: exercise maximum restraint, prioritise the protection of civilians in accordance with international humanitarian law, and prevent further incitement of communal tension and violence - paving the way for democracy to take root and to create the conditions for Rohingyas to be able to go back home, as they all want". He also observed that the situation in Myanmar remains dire, including in Rakhine state.

The UN SG also noted that humanitarian assistance is important - "but we must recognise the enormous support of the Bangladeshi people sharing their land, forests, scarce water and meagre resources.  I was in Cox's Bazar last in 2018 - and have seen many improvements in the camps. But the challenges are great at so many levels.  In the cyclone and monsoon seasons, floods and landslides destroy homes and lives. In addition to essential food aid, people here are also hungry for skills and opportunities for independence.  Some Rohingya families feel they have no option but to risk everything on perilous sea journeys.  So, we have a special obligation to ensure that aid reaches Rohingya refugees, and show that the world has not forgotten them.  And so, my voice will not end until the international community understands that they have the obligation to invest now to support the Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and to make sure that the people who have already suffered so much will not have an additional problem of food rations."

In this context, he also reiterated that "the cut by the international community of the aid to Rohingya refugees is unacceptable.  I repeat:  Cox's Bazar is ground zero for the impact of budget cuts on people in desperate need and we must do everything to make sure that that does not happen.  The solution must be found in Myanmar.  We will not give up until conditions allow for the voluntary, safe and sustainable return for all refugees here. Until then, I urge the international community not to reduce the support to Rohingya refugees.  They must step up and guarantee the well-being of the refugees".

The UN SG has also pointed out that "the current situation is that there is a conflict between the members of the Myanmar military and the Arakan Army. In such a situation, it will be extremely difficult to ensure the Rohingya's dignified return immediately. A collective global effort is required to solve the crisis. Not only Bangladesh, but all the neighbouring countries of Myanmar need to create pressure so that violence stops and an acceptable solution is found." Such an observation by him obviously refers not only to more efforts by the ASEAN but also by China.

The United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres has also stressed the importance of ending the conflict in Myanmar's Arakan state and increasing humanitarian aid there to create the proper environment for the Rohingya to return to their homeland.

Interestingly, Guterres also underlined that this year, he had decided to come to Bangladesh to express his solidarity with Rohingya refugees and the Bangladeshi people who host them. He observed in this regard that "fasting and having an Iftar together with all of you are the proof of my deep respect for your religion and your culture."

The crisis pertaining to the Rohingya refugees has deepened with the World Food Programme (WFP) recently being forced to reduce monthly food aid from US Dollar 12.5 to US Dollar 6 starting from April. This is happening because the USAID has drastically reduced the funding globally under the Trump administration. The WFP has consequently warned that more than one million people in Myanmar will be cut off from WFP's life-saving food assistance starting in April due to critical funding shortfalls. The cuts, according to AFP reports will also impact almost 100,000 internally displaced people, including Rohingyas, in central Rakhine who will have no access to food without WFP assistance.

In this context attention has also been drawn to a report issued by the UNDP in November last year. The report titled "Rakhine: A Famine in the Making" said Rakhine is on the verge of an unprecedented disaster due to a combination of interlinked issues. Restrictions on goods entering Rakhine, both internationally and domestically, have led to a severe lack of income, hyperinflation, and significantly reduced domestic food production. Essential services and a social safety net are almost non-existent, leaving an already vulnerable population at risk of collapse in the coming months." It has also been reported that critical sectors such as trade, agriculture, and construction are at a standstill. Export-oriented, agro-based livelihoods are disappearing as markets become inaccessible due to blockades.

Such a scenario has obviously also had an osmotic effect over the decision by Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh to agree to return to the Rakhine District in Myanmar. Unfortunately, any movement forward towards resolution of this crisis is also problematic because it will be difficult to obtain a UN Security Council approval for sanctions in relation to Myanmar.

In the meantime, the international NGOs -- ACF, ActionAid, Cordaid, Concern Worldwide, DRC, Handicap International, International Rescue Committee, Islamic Relief, Oxfam, Plan International, Save the Children, and World Vision -- have made a statement.  In a joint statement they have reiterated that "the world cannot afford to let one of the largest refugee crises of our time fade from global attention. It is time to secure a sustainable future where Rohingya refugees and host communities are not left in limbo, but empowered to reclaim their rights and dignity. The Rohingya crisis is not just a resource crisis, but a crisis of political will. The UN and international community must ensure sustained support and invest in long-term solutions. With the humanitarian response to the Rohingya crisis facing severe funding shortages and shifting global priorities, the need for renewed and sustained international commitment has never been more urgent."

The statement came during UN Secretary-General António Guterres' visit to Bangladesh, hoping to help bring back global attention on the issue. They also called for immediate and coordinated action to sustain life-saving assistance, innovative response strategies, and a dedicated mission that ensures stability and dignity for over one million Rohingya refugees and host communities in Cox's Bazar.

Around one million Rohingya refugees live in 33 congested camps near Cox's Bazar. Among them are hundreds of thousands of children-more than 50 per cent of the population-whose lives have been confined to these camps. These children have no memory of their homeland and are growing up without the basic rights every child deserves-- education, safety, freedom, and opportunities for a brighter future.

Having visited these camps on two occasions as a Member of OIC-HRC, I have watched children play in narrow alleys among endless rows of makeshift shelters. This made it painfully clear that they are at risk of becoming a lost generation. It should not have to be this way. These children have the potential to shape a better world.

The world must not close its eyes to the plight of the Rohingyas and their desire to return home. They want to return to their ancestral land. Unfortunately, the problem lies with the attitude and demographic strategies of the Myanmar government. Most regrettably, they are treating their own people as foreigners. That is the main obstruction to a permanent solution of the Rohingya crisis. However, if the world - specially the powerful States- can take a collective stand in favour of justice, the issue could be fixed speedily.    

Efforts should also be made by the relevant authorities in Myanmar to arrange the repatriation of the Rohingya refugees to their homeland with dignity and support.  


Muhammad Zamir, a former Ambassador, is an analyst specialised in foreign affairs, right to information and good governance.

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