Asia/South Asia
9 months ago

India withdraws all troops from Maldives

Mohamed Muizzu, the president of Maldives
Mohamed Muizzu, the president of Maldives

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India has pulled out all of its soldiers from the Maldives, meeting a deadline to complete withdrawal of all troops from the archipelagic country, according to India-based news outlets.

Maldives President Mohamed Muizzu had set the May 10 deadline for withdrawal of Indian troops from his country. Withdrawal of Indian troops was a major pledge of Muizzu during his presidential campaign last year.

Following the deadline, India withdrew troops in two batches in last March and April. A government official of Maldives said last batch of Indian troops was repatriated on Friday.

New Delhi officials recently told Reuters that India has replaced soldiers on the Maldives with civilians.


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