Asia/South Asia
a month ago

Niqab banned in Muslim-majority country Kyrgyzstan

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Foreign media reports have revealed that the government of Kyrgyzstan has recently imposed a ban on wearing the Arab-style veil (niqab) in the country. The government has also introduced fines for individuals who wear this clothing in public spaces.

According to Radio Free Europe, Kyrgyzstan, a predominantly Muslim country in Central Asia, has now joined the ranks of other nations in the region by prohibiting the wearing of the niqab, a long garment that covers the body, hair, and face except for the eyes. This ban went into effect on February 1st, with a fine of 20,000 som (about $230) imposed on women who wear the veil in public.

Kyrgyz lawmakers have argued that the ban is necessary for security reasons, as it allows people’s faces to be visible and helps with identification. However, opponents of the ban argue that it strips women of their freedom to choose their attire, viewing it as a limitation of personal rights.

Previously, Kyrgyzstan was the only country in Central Asia that allowed the niqab in schools and government institutions. However, with the new legislation, the country has followed in the footsteps of its regional neighbors, such as Tajikistan, which also passed a similar law last year that prohibited the niqab in public spaces, labeling it as foreign attire.

In recent years, Central Asian countries have been focusing more on reviving their indigenous cultures and traditions, particularly in clothing and cultural celebrations. These nations have taken steps to limit the influence of foreign cultures, such as the Arab-style clothing, in favor of promoting local customs and heritage.

The ban on the Arab-style veil in Kyrgyzstan and other Central Asian nations reflects broader efforts to preserve cultural identity and regulate foreign influences. While governments argue that such measures are necessary for security and social cohesion, they also raise debates about individual freedoms and the role of tradition in shaping modern society, reports

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