Popular books high schoolers should read

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"One glance at a book and you hear the voice of another person, perhaps someone dead for 1,000 years. To read is to voyage through time," said Carl Sagan, an American astronomer.
Books have the ability to defy time and space to tell tales of decades ago. Some books are the amalgamation of their writers' entire lives, and we get to know about each of their realisations, insights, and views all in the span of four to five hours of reading. Books provide us with a new worldview through which we can improve ourselves and see others. These highly rated books are a must-read for high schoolers to be able to develop essential perspectives.
Atomic Habits by James Clear: Atomic Habits is a popular book by Author James Clear, where he comprehensively writes about the importance of small incremental improvements and how they eventually lead to significant changes. The author breaks down habit formation through a simple but effective framework, consisting of four steps, namely making the habit obvious, attractive, easy, and satisfying. Via this book, a student will be able to understand the psychology behind breaking and forming habits. An incredibly insightful read, this book can help high schoolers understand and implement effective habit formation in their lives from early on.
Ikigai by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles: A rather popular book, Ikigai, directly translates to "A Reason for Being". The writers explore the lives and lifestyle of the people of Okinawa in Japan, and what drives them to live a long and fulfilling life. This book is included in this list because it can also help high schoolers discover their own "Ikigai" or the the principles of a meaningful existence, which is described as the intersection of four separate points -- what you love, what you are good at, what the world needs, and what you can be paid for. In a world often characterised by busyness and external pressures, "Ikigai" serves as a poignant reminder to pause, reflect, and prioritise the aspects of life that truly matter.
The Art of Thinking Clearly by Rolf Dobelli: The Art of Thinking Clearly is one of the best books in terms of understanding the psychology behind decision-making. This book is essential for high schoolers, for it will help them understand their own psyche much better. In the book, the author explores a host of psychological phenomena that bar us from making informed and rational decisions. The book helps its readers avoid common mental traps like recency bias, confirmation bias, and sunk cost fallacy. Furthermore, it also draws out the roadmap to making more informed and meaningful decisions.
Ichiego Ichie by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles: Another book by Hector Garcia and Francesc Miralles, Ichigo Ichie, offers a very fresh perspective on the transience of life and how we should try to create perpetual feelings. Centring on an age-old Japanese ritual, the "tea ceremony", the book delivers a much broader message of living life meaningfully and being present in each moment. The term ‘Ichigo Ichie’ translates to ‘One time, one meeting’, emphasising how every moment only comes to us once, and we must learn to cherish those moments deeply.
How Not to Be Wrong by Jordan Ellenberg: Are you looking to develop your mathematical intuition? Then this book is for you. Titled "How Not to Be Wrong: The Power of Mathematical Thinking", this book intends to help its readers develop a mathematical perspective and reasoning. Written by Mathematics Professor Jordan Ellenberg, the book masterfully shows how maths is weaved intricately into every natural and human phenomenon. The author explains how mathematical concepts, such as probability, statistics, and geometry, can help us make better choices by enabling us to critically analyse data and identify patterns.
1984 by George Orwell: The fictional book 1984 is an essential read for everyone. It is a dystopian novel set in a totalitarian society, where the government exercises absolute control over everyone's lives. The author masterfully shows how control goes beyond physical torment, and into mental and psychological barriers as well. The ideas of subjugation and rebellion described in this book are as relevant as ever. This book serves as a cautionary tale about the dangers of unchecked government authority, propaganda, and the erosion of individuality. It is a critically important read for every high schooler, who as leaders of tomorrow, must know the dangers of unchecked totalitarianism.
How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie: Published 87 years ago, this ageless book by Dale Carnegie remains as relevant as ever, with timeless pieces of advice and insights into forming and maintaining meaningful relationships throughout one's life. Divided into sections, this book has been helping the youth improve their communication skills and navigate social situations for a long time now. The book focuses on empathy, respect, and kindness as the building blocks of a successful bond, with important insights into social etiquette and mannerisms.
The Catcher in The Rye by J. D. Salinger: J.D. Salinger's The Catcher in the Rye stands as one of the timeless classics delving into the exploration of youthful rebellion alongside the complexities of growing up. The novel follows the life of Holden Caulfield, a teenager following the transitions of life and overcoming barriers of his metamorphosis to adulthood. The book follows the raw, unadulterated narrative of Holden, who longs for belonging in this world, but also perceives it as hostile at times. The narrative style is laid back and relaxed, with thoughtful subtexts on growing up that every high schooler can relate to and learn from.
7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R.Covey: This is another seminal self-help book that can help high schoolers organise their life and skills. Like other books discussed in this list, the writer also divides the theme of his book into specific categories. The first category titled "Private Victory" includes the first three habits, which help the reader take control of their personal life. The next category, "Public Victory" tells the reader how they can excel in social situations, inspire more people, and become a better leader. The author's approach concerns cooperation, empathy, eagerness, and respect. The final habit describes how to consistently ensure self-care across different fronts which can help readers in handling challenges and sustain improvements in the long run.

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