Views / Analysis

Looking for escape from a brutal and inhospitable city

Looking for escape from a brutal and inhospitable city

Living in Dhaka in normal time is quite challenging. Its environmental pollution is infamous and ranks mostly at the top among the worst polluted cities. Unsurprisingly, the capital city of Bangladesh has the dubious record of ranking among the world cities known for the worst liveability also. A

Stepping back in time

Stepping back in time

My eye surgeon has a special way of telling me about the state of my eyes. As he looks in my eyes, he laments that we are not twenty-one any more. As he writes down the prescription, his words are very assuring: 'do not worry and I will see you in six months' time'. Six months can be a long time in

The monsoon so long missed here has returned

The monsoon so long missed here has returned

Barsha Ritu (monsoon) has arrived at its capricious best this year. There were hardly any rains in this second season on the Bangla calendar in decades. Even a modern Yaksha pronounced as Jaksha would find it almost impossible to stop a passing cloud on the lonely mountain peak where he was exiled

Towards excellence

Towards excellence

We grew up with many sage words such as 'early to bed and early to rise' as the way to be successful in life. Yet, there are situations in life where the reverse works better. I have a friend whose day starts when the sun is down and he is extremely successful. Life has its ways of behaving in many

Why trademark registration important for businesses

Why trademark registration important for businesses

Trademarks help make money for an owner or business. Nowadays, it is more beneficial for businesses. The Internet helps quickly promote a worldwide logo, brand, tagline or symbol. Intellectual property or IP is an asset that comes to mind. It is not a physical asset but can be more valuable than a

Goats will not come to expose Motiurs all the time

Goats will not come to expose Motiurs all the time

It has earned the notoriety of chhagalkando (goat affair). A member of parliament of the ruling party has given credit to the goat for exposing Motiur Rahman, an Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) official alleged to have acquired mountainous proportion of wealth and property ---moveable and immoveab

Higher education in nursing

Higher education in nursing

The government continues to allow establishment of public and private universities in each district. Currently there are 53 public universities in Bangladesh. The number of private universities is 114. There are 37 public medical colleges and 70 private medical colleges. The number of public uni

Evolving rural nuclear families, superstores

Evolving rural nuclear families, superstores

Tale One: Rural Nuclear Family Rural Bangladesh portrays its lush green landscapes and lively communities through the tightly knit joint family system. The traditional extended family setup is based on principles of shared ownership and collective responsibilities among family members, creating a

Multifarious constraints to making most of the holiday

Multifarious constraints to making most of the holiday

Megher kole rod hesechhe, badol gechhe tuti Aaj amader chhuti o bhai aaj amader chhuti. Chhuti means break, recess or period of leave. It is a time off. Off from what? For students, a break from the school routine---class attendance and other academic exercises. For service holders, taking time o

Cattle farms defy all odds to provide for country

Cattle farms defy all odds to provide for country

Gone are the days when the Muslims with means willing to sacrifice animals had to wait anxious moments for days before the Eid-ul-Azha. Cattle brought in---legally or illegally --- from neighbouring India and Myanmar primarily decided the supply of sacrificial animals in the market here and underst

Towards the precipice

Towards the precipice

In our younger years there was a television serial titled Logan's Run. Logan was a fugitive in tomorrow's world as he had turned 27. He was now expected to make room for the young, as the planet was over-populated. But Logan was not ready to go. So, he was on the run. Defying the premonitions of t

This really is a month of mellow sweetness

This really is a month of mellow sweetness

The Bangalees love to call Jaisthya their 'madhu mas' (month of honey). No, honey does not flow from anywhere during this month. Rather, the temperature soars to levels often beyond tolerance. Yet this late summer months present the sweetest and most luscious fruits produced anywhere in the world.